BPower Struggles

6 Ways to Avoid Power Struggles With Children

All three of my children are headstrong and can be extremely stubborn at times. When they refuse to do as told, it can be frustrating and anger provoking. Many times I’ve resorted to yelling and promising all sorts of punishments if they don’t listen. You can imagine how well those strategies usually work for me….

Life Skills Checklists For Kids And Teens
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Life Skills Checklists For Kids And Teens

Is your child learning the life skills they need to become independent adults? Once you complete these life skills checklists you might be surprised!! We’ve all heard stories about kids going off to college never once doing a load of laundry or preparing a meal for themselves. I remember my freshman year of college living off take…

Learning to Read Boosts Children's Self-Confidence
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Learning To Read Boosts Children’s Self-Confidence

Learning to read is essentially the foundation of all learning. Therefore, when a child struggles to read, it makes learning about other subjects extremely difficult. It also puts them at greater risk for academic failure. According to veteran educator, Michelle Stewin,NBCT, “students that are unable to read will face long term academic struggles and potential…

20 Family Reflection Questions To Discuss For The New Year

20 Family Reflection Questions To Discuss For The New Year

The New Year is filled with promises and the possibilities seem endless.  However, before we begin to chase down the promises of the new year, it’s probably a good idea to reflect on the previous year to see what worked and what didn’t. This year my focus is on strengthening my family.  My oldest starts…

Divorce and the Holidays: Helping Kids Through Tough Times
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Divorce and the Holidays: Helping Kids Through Tough Times

Divorce can be hard on children, especially during the holidays. Let’s face it, the holidays are a stressful time of year for even the most intact families. There’s the whole matter of finding the perfect gift for everyone, mustering up enough energy to attend all the holiday parties and celebrations at school for the kids,…