10 Ways To Improve Your Child’s Organizational Skills

10 Ways To Improve Your Child’s Organizational Skills

When I practiced as a school social worker, I noticed that a common reason why many of my students were performing poorly was because they were disorganized and would often do things like forget to turn in assignments, wait until the last minute to start working on projects, etc. This was especially true for my…

Life Skills Checklists For Kids And Teens
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Life Skills Checklists For Kids And Teens

Is your child learning the life skills they need to become independent adults? Once you complete these life skills checklists you might be surprised!! We’ve all heard stories about kids going off to college never once doing a load of laundry or preparing a meal for themselves. I remember my freshman year of college living off take…

Responses To Microaggressions On Campus Are Hurting Students

Responses To Microaggressions On Campus Are Hurting Students

Most colleges have resumed and the Fall semester is in full swing.  If you have a student currently enrolled in college or one who will be in college soon, you will want to read Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt’s article for The Atlantic, The Coddling of the American Mind. In the article, Lukianoff and Haidt…

How To Raise Responsible And Independent Children

How To Raise Responsible And Independent Children

During infancy, children are completely dependent on their caregivers. Parents spend each moment trying to figure out what their child wants. Are they hungry? Do they need a nap? Is it time to change their diaper? The list goes on and on. As this phase ends and children transition to the toddler years, they begin…