Acts Of Kindness Bingo For Kids With Free Printable
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Acts Of Kindness Bingo For Kids With Free Printable

Hi everyone!  Welcome to another edition of Freebie Friday where every Friday I share a free product or printable.  Don’t forget to stop by every Friday to check out what new freebie I’m sharing. You can also subscribe to Kiddie Matters to stay in the loop when freebies are added! This weeks Kindness Bingo freebie…

Where Are The Teachers: School Resource Officers Aren’t Disciplinarians

Recently Ben Fields, a school resource officer from Columbia, South Carolina, made headlines for forcefully throwing a 16- year old female student across the room after she allegedly refused to leave her seat. From the video, it’s clear to me that the school resource officer used excessive force to restrain the student. However, in Brenda…

The Mighty Knights: Sapphire’s Castle Brings Diversity To Children’s Books

The Mighty Knights: Sapphire’s Castle Brings Diversity To Children’s Books

I recently received two children’s book for review. The books are The Mighty Knights and The Mighty Knights: Sapphire’s Castle. Both books are written by Peter J. Clark and illustrated by Kory Fluckiger.  Disclosure: Peter J. Clark sent me copies of these books in exchange for my honest review and help promoting Sapphire’s Castle Relaunch….

My Struggle To Not Be A Stereotypical Black Woman

My Struggle To Not Be A Stereotypical Black Woman

I’ve spent most of my life running away from the stereotype of what it means to be a Black woman in America.  You know, the loud, combative, welfare receiving, neck rolling, angry Black woman with numerous kids by several different baby daddies?  Yeah, that stereotype. Instead, I’ve been caught up in trying to be the…

Infographic: Teaching Children How To Make Friends
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Infographic: Teaching Children How To Make Friends

Knowing how to make friends is a crucial aspect of child development.  Children learn how to communicate, work with others, and problem solve through their interactions with friends. Unfortunately, making friends does not come easily to every child.  Children who don’t know how to make friends often suffer from low self-esteem, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. I created this…

Responses To Microaggressions On Campus Are Hurting Students

Responses To Microaggressions On Campus Are Hurting Students

Most colleges have resumed and the Fall semester is in full swing.  If you have a student currently enrolled in college or one who will be in college soon, you will want to read Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt’s article for The Atlantic, The Coddling of the American Mind. In the article, Lukianoff and Haidt…

You’re A Stay At Home Mom With School Aged Children, Now What?

You’re A Stay At Home Mom With School Aged Children, Now What?

When I got my daughter’s acceptance letter to Pre-K, I’ll admit, I was excited. I enjoy being home with my daughter, but it’s been a long four years of dedicating my days to her. My life has been centered around Nick Jr. and playdates at the park for longer than humanly tolerable. I find myself…