30 Free Positive Affirmation Cards For Mothers

Many mothers sometimes doubt themselves as parents and are unable to see how valuable they are to their families. Practicing daily affirmations can help boost a mother’s confidence as a caregiver and also help them to recognize their strengths.


Positive Affirmations For Mothers


What are affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements or declarations about who you are. When you use positive affirmations, they help you to let go of negative thoughts and instead focus on the positive.

Positive Affirmations for Mothers

How to use affirmations
Pick one affirmation and repeat it daily to yourself.  When you feel comfortable, practice another affirmation.  It is important to practice your affirmations as much as possible because the more you use them, the more likely you are to believe and internalize them.


Click Positive Affirmations For Mothers to download 30 free affirmation cards!

I hope they brighten your day and remind you of the gem that you are.


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  1. That sure beats the negative self talk that can go on in our heads. As one dwells on the good things we will outwork those good attributes in our daily lives.

  2. I believe we do have to remind ourselves that, while not perfect, we have a lot of good qualities.

    Have you watched the Dove commercial? It was in French, but very interesting. They asked women to write down what they think about themselves. They had actresses say these things to each other in a small cafe. People were appalled how the one “friend” spoke to the other. A few actually told the speaking actress off.

  3. So many times I can constantly hear negative and frustrated thoughts creeping in to my mind. I know I am doing my best but when things get stressful I doubt myself too often. These affirmations are a great thing to have.

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