4 Tips For Teaching Children Affirmations For Self-Esteem w/ Free Printable
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4 Tips For Teaching Children Affirmations For Self-Esteem w/ Free Printable

Every now and then I will stalk visit the social media profiles of the tweens and teens in my life. They try to hide a lot of dirt through acronyms and slang, but I’m not that old. I get it. One day I came across one popular acronym that really made me cringe. TBH. To…

Empower Kids to Stop Being Hard On Themselves With This Simple Technique
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Empower Kids to Stop Being Hard On Themselves With This Simple Technique

As we go about our daily routine, our inner voice is constantly interpreting our experiences and interactions with others. It’s that voice in your head that’s always commenting on your situation, coming up with ideas, and questioning your decisions. Psychologists call this inner voice your self-talk. Your self-talk is a mixture of your conscious thoughts…

4 Powerful Tips to Encourage Kids to Love Themselves and the Skin They’re In
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4 Powerful Tips to Encourage Kids to Love Themselves and the Skin They’re In

Developing a positive self-image can be an uphill battle for many children. This is especially true when they enter puberty. Adolescence is a time of self-exploration. It’s when kids get to explore who they want to be and how they want to show up in the world. The problem is that this self-exploration isn’t done…

bullying prevention

5 Effective Ways Parents Can Bully Proof Their Kids

Bullying in schools is currently a national epidemic. Research findings  suggest  that 19 percent of U.S. elementary students are bullied, and each day 160,000 kids stay home from school because they fear being bullied. It’s no wonder parents are concerned! Every  day parents send their kids off to school there’s a possibility they will be…

Learning to Read Boosts Children's Self-Confidence
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Learning To Read Boosts Children’s Self-Confidence

Learning to read is essentially the foundation of all learning. Therefore, when a child struggles to read, it makes learning about other subjects extremely difficult. It also puts them at greater risk for academic failure. According to veteran educator, Michelle Stewin,NBCT, “students that are unable to read will face long term academic struggles and potential…

self esteem activity
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Self-Esteem Activity for Kids

Self-esteem is an important topic to discuss with children of all ages. Kids are growing up in a world that puts great emphasis on superficial things such as how many likes they get on social media and what designer brands they wear. They need to be aware of the importance of loving themselves and having…

My Struggle To Not Be A Stereotypical Black Woman

My Struggle To Not Be A Stereotypical Black Woman

I’ve spent most of my life running away from the stereotype of what it means to be a Black woman in America.  You know, the loud, combative, welfare receiving, neck rolling, angry Black woman with numerous kids by several different baby daddies?  Yeah, that stereotype. Instead, I’ve been caught up in trying to be the…

Activities That Boost Children’s Self-Esteem
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Activities That Boost Children’s Self-Esteem

Once upon a time I prayed and asked God for a baby. My prayers were answered and I was blessed with the most amazing child. I remember holding my son for the very first time and staring in awe that something so perfect happened to me. He looked so fragile and my instinct was to…