Words of Encouragement For Kids
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25 Words Of Encouragement For Kids That Promotes A Growth Mindset

Inside: Words of encouragement for kids to help them develop a growth mindset. Many of us who have or work with children are committed to equipping them with the tools needed for success.  Having a growth mindset is one of the main tools we want to pass on to kids. A growth mindset is the…

Stop Praising KIds And Do This Instead
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Stop Praising Kids And Do This Instead

Inside: Why we need to stop praising kids and encourage a growth mindset instead. You’re so smart! Great job! You’re amazing! Many of us are guilty of lavishing these praises on children at one point or another. The self-esteem movement of the 80’s and 90’s encouraged praising kids. It was widely believed that doing so…

Tips for teaching kids decision making skills.
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Best Guide For Teaching Kids The Decision Making Process Steps

Inside: A guide for teaching children the decision making process steps to help them  make responsible decisions. Have you ever been in a store with a child and asked them to pick out a treat? It can be like pulling teeth! Granted, they have many racks of chips, cookies, and other assortment of empty calories…

Growth Mindset Tips for Parents
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Growth Mindset For Kids: How Parents Can Encourage Growth Mindset In Children

Inside: Strategies to encourage a growth mindset in children so that they can take on challenges with confidence. “If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning.”-Carol Dweck As parents, we…

4 Tips For Teaching Children Affirmations For Self-Esteem w/ Free Printable
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4 Tips For Teaching Children Affirmations For Self-Esteem w/ Free Printable

Every now and then I will stalk visit the social media profiles of the tweens and teens in my life. They try to hide a lot of dirt through acronyms and slang, but I’m not that old. I get it. One day I came across one popular acronym that really made me cringe. TBH. To…

Empower Kids to Stop Being Hard On Themselves With This Simple Technique
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Empower Kids to Stop Being Hard On Themselves With This Simple Technique

As we go about our daily routine, our inner voice is constantly interpreting our experiences and interactions with others. It’s that voice in your head that’s always commenting on your situation, coming up with ideas, and questioning your decisions. Psychologists call this inner voice your self-talk. Your self-talk is a mixture of your conscious thoughts…

4 Powerful Tips to Encourage Kids to Love Themselves and the Skin They’re In
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4 Powerful Tips to Encourage Kids to Love Themselves and the Skin They’re In

Developing a positive self-image can be an uphill battle for many children. This is especially true when they enter puberty. Adolescence is a time of self-exploration. It’s when kids get to explore who they want to be and how they want to show up in the world. The problem is that this self-exploration isn’t done…

Self-Control: 50+Ways to Help Preschoolers Practice Self-Control

Self-Control: 50+Ways to Help Preschoolers Practice Self-Control

Three year old Jessica is at the grocery store with her mom. While they are checking out, Jessica notices her favorite candy bar. “Mom can I have that?” asked a delighted Jessica. Her mom is hesitant, but eventually concedes. “Sure. But you’ll have to wait until we get home to eat it.”  At first Jessica…

Goal Setting: Helping Adolescents Reach Achievable Goals
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Goal Setting: Helping Adolescents Reach Achievable Goals

Adolescence is a challenging time for many children. Hormones are running wild and there’s intense pressure to fit in and belong. Their school work gets more challenging and much is expected from them because they are older. In addition to all this, adolescents are trying to figure out who they want to be. All of…