Empower Kids to Stop Being Hard On Themselves With This Simple Technique
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Empower Kids to Stop Being Hard On Themselves With This Simple Technique

As we go about our daily routine, our inner voice is constantly interpreting our experiences and interactions with others. It’s that voice in your head that’s always commenting on your situation, coming up with ideas, and questioning your decisions. Psychologists call this inner voice your self-talk. Your self-talk is a mixture of your conscious thoughts…

4 Powerful Tips to Encourage Kids to Love Themselves and the Skin They’re In
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4 Powerful Tips to Encourage Kids to Love Themselves and the Skin They’re In

Developing a positive self-image can be an uphill battle for many children. This is especially true when they enter puberty. Adolescence is a time of self-exploration. It’s when kids get to explore who they want to be and how they want to show up in the world. The problem is that this self-exploration isn’t done…

Goal Setting: Helping Adolescents Reach Achievable Goals
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Goal Setting: Helping Adolescents Reach Achievable Goals

Adolescence is a challenging time for many children. Hormones are running wild and there’s intense pressure to fit in and belong. Their school work gets more challenging and much is expected from them because they are older. In addition to all this, adolescents are trying to figure out who they want to be. All of…

Executive Functioning: What Is It and Why Is It Important?
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Executive Functioning: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Cognitive skills are the core skills our brain uses to learn, think, read, and pay attention. These are skills children need to develop in order to succeed in school and eventually the work place. For the purposes of this website, we will be focusing on a particular set of cognitive skills. Namely, those related to…

Social Emotional Learning Activities Using A Mandala
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Social Emotional Learning Activities Using A Mandala

Getting some kids to open up and talk can be like pulling teeth.  They don’t always have insight into what they’re thinking and feeling and find it hard to express themselves to others. Psychotherapists discovered that using mandalas with kids can help them develop a better understanding of themselves and their experiences. Mandalas are helpful…

Journal Writing: Why Kids Should Journal
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Journal Writing: Why Kids Should Journal

Journal writing is a therapeutic technique often used to encourage self-expression through reflective writing. Experts suggest that when you write down your thoughts and feelings, it helps you to work through negative emotions. Additionally, journal writing helps you to be more self-aware and in tune with your feelings. You gain insight into your mood and…

Study Skills: Preparing Kids To Ace Any Test
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Study Skills: Preparing Kids To Ace Any Test

We often expect kids to study and pass exams even though no one has taught them how to study. This was true for my own kids. My son was in first grade when he first started taking spelling tests. I would tell him to go study and after twenty minutes, I would give him a practice…

How To Help Kids Overcome Test Anxiety
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How To Help Kids Overcome Test Anxiety

In case you’re not familiar with test anxiety, imagine that you’ve studied and prepared for the big test as much as you possibly could.  Now it’s test day. Your teacher hands you the test and as soon as you see it, your stomach tightens. You draw a blank because nothing on the test looks familiar.  Your…

Helping Kids Learn Stress Management Skills
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Helping Kids Learn Stress Management Skills

Stress management isn’t a skill we often teach children. The assumption is that kids live care-free lives and have no experience with stress. However, there are many things that can lead to stress in children. Stress is simply a function of the demands placed on us and our ability to meet them. Children face demands…