social skills activities
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Ultimate Guide To Social Skills Activities

Inside: Social skills activities and resources to help teach children valuable social skills. Social skills activities are wonderful for teaching kids social skills. When kids develop social skills, they are better able to get along with others. Social skills are the means by which people can make connections to others, exchange information and ideas, make…

Tips for teaching kids decision making skills.
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Best Guide For Teaching Kids The Decision Making Process Steps

Inside: A guide for teaching children the decision making process steps to help them  make responsible decisions. Have you ever been in a store with a child and asked them to pick out a treat? It can be like pulling teeth! Granted, they have many racks of chips, cookies, and other assortment of empty calories…

social skills games
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Best Social Skills Games For Teaching Kids Social SKills

Social skills games are great for helping kids develop valuable social emotional skills.  Many of us that work with children accept that play is the language of kids.  When you can make a lesson fun it’s easy to keep kids engaged.  For this reason, I choose to teach social skills with the following social skills…

Fall Themed Social-Emotional Skills Building Activities For Children
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Fall Themed Social-Emotional Skills Building Activities For Children

We all want our children to have friends, to do well in school, and to have as many positive experiences as possible.  It’s a relief when we know our kids are well-adjusted and happy. Fortunately, most kids are indeed well-adjusted. However, there are some children who lack healthy social-emotional skills which causes them to struggle with leading…