How to make color rice in 5 easy steps!
As a counselor, I find that I can connect with kids better in sessions when they are engaged in non-distracting sensory play. I don’t know why, but the minute some kids have something in their hands, they open right up. Many people these days are using color rice as a sensory item. Children can now enjoy the color of rice as well as its texture. Luckily, making color rice is very easy. Are you ready to make some color rice? Let’s do it!
What you will need:
* Rice
* Vinegar
* Food coloring
* Ziploc bag
* Tray or cookie sheet
* Wax paper
Step 1
Pour desired amount of rice in Ziploc bag.
Step 2
Add food coloring to bag until you achieve desired color. A little food coloring goes a long way, so just add a drop at a time until you are satisfied with the color.
Step 3
Pour one tablespoon vinegar for each cup of rice. For example, I used four cups of rice and therefore needed four tablespoons of vinegar.
Step 4
Close Ziploc bag and toss the rice until it is covered in vinegar and food coloring. Be amazed as you watch the rice change color right before your eyes!
Step 5
Place wax paper on a tray. Spread the contents of the Ziploc bag on to the tray. Let rice dry for an hour. Once it is dry, you are ready to play with your color rice.
Find out how to make an ‘I Spy’ jar with color rice here.