Teach Kids To Set Goals Using A Vision Board
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How To Help Kids Smash Goals With This Powerful Tool

Growing up in a house with a mom with undiagnosed schizo-affective disorder and an alcoholic stepfather was dysfunctional to say the least. From age 12, the only escape I saw was going away to college. But how do you hold on to hope when the promise of better days is 6 years away? You plan…

Goal Setting: Helping Adolescents Reach Achievable Goals
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Goal Setting: Helping Adolescents Reach Achievable Goals

Adolescence is a challenging time for many children. Hormones are running wild and there’s intense pressure to fit in and belong. Their school work gets more challenging and much is expected from them because they are older. In addition to all this, adolescents are trying to figure out who they want to be. All of…