social skills games
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Identify and Express Feelings with Plastic Easter Eggs

Learning how to identify and express feelings are crucial aspects of children’s social and emotional development.  Sometimes we forget that kids experience some of the same feelings that adults do. They feel joy, disappointment, anger, sadness, frustration, fear, and so much more.  However, children often don’t have the words to identify and express their feelings. …

Identify Feelings
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Plastic Easter Egg Feelings Memory Game

Plastic Easter eggs threaten to take over my house every Easter.  Sure these eggs are fun to fill and hide.  However, once the kids empty their goodies from the plastic eggs, they become a nuisance. They end up on the floor, under couches, in toy bins, EVERYWHERE! Even when I put them away, I still find…

social skills games
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Emotion Regulation: Feelings Identification Activities

Emotion regulation refers to our ability to control our feelings and not let them get the best of us. Kids who are able to use effective emotion regulation skills tend to have less meltdowns and tantrums. At the end of the day, fewer meltdowns is a win for both kids and caregivers. Therefore, it makes…

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Feelings Recognition Christmas Tree Activity

Recently I came across Reading Confetti’s Christmas Alphabet Sticker Tree: Learning Letters and my daughter LOVED the activity.  Since I’m always looking for fun ways to teach her social emotional skills, I decided to modify the activity a bit to teach her about feelings recognition. It also turned into a great activity to get her…

social skills games
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Best Social Skills Games For Teaching Kids Social SKills

Social skills games are great for helping kids develop valuable social emotional skills.  Many of us that work with children accept that play is the language of kids.  When you can make a lesson fun it’s easy to keep kids engaged.  For this reason, I choose to teach social skills with the following social skills…